Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Last Day of School

I don't think I like the last day of school much. I've been waiting and waiting for it--I like my kids and I like having them around. However, I also really like their teachers this year and I'm going to miss them. I'm going to miss that there is someone else that gets my kids like I do. I 'm going to miss that there is someone who wants to hear about the minutiae in my son's mind--because my sons' amazing teachers did. So I went to school today and delivered the end-of-the-year presents. I cried. My sons cried. And their teachers cried. I don't think I like the last day of school much.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I don't like it, either. The worst was Julia's last day of first grade. I cried. And I was pretty sad about James "graduating" from preschool, too. But now they're in kindergarten and 3rd, and things are going well! They're getting so old!

I'm glad your kids both had a great year.