Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Let's pray.

Let's all pray--in whatever form it is you do it. I am asking because my Bella is sick--and I am worried. I am worried because 69 out of 400 kids at the local elementary school stayed home sick and even more were sent home. I am worried because my really good friend Kashann has a 5 year old little girl in the PICU with bacterial pneumonia--and she is up and down. I'm worried because my mom really shouldn't get this yuck that is going around. I'm worried because the guy up the street is kind to my kids and has poor health without catching anything new. I'm worried because of the sweet lady with cancer at church just had another treatment and still comes to church--her immune system really isn't up to this. I'm worried because my husband is worried. He is fasting for sick kids. I am praying for all of this. Sometimes that is all you can do. Will you pray with me?

1 comment:

Liz said...

Raising my voice in prayer with you from the Midwest, Alaska . . .